what all does an actor do?
Actresses and actors have certain things such as classes or auditions and etc, they have to prepare themselves for things that may make them go out of there comfort zone or may be easy, they also have to play as another character, such as someone who plays a character in film,television,radio, or theatre productions.-They have to represent characters.-Huge rolls or lines in your film,television,radio,script,theatre productions.-Lots of rehearsing.-Motivation in the industry.

How to get started in the industry?
Jump into theater in high school. The path to acting careers can actually begin in high school plays and musicals. ...Get experience outside of school. ...Get educated. ...Practice makes perfect. ...Build up an acting resume. ...Hire an agent.Make sure to go to some sort of college and or parties with other actors and actresses and maybe also agents and directors, make sure to also look out for people who might know some agents/directors, talk to famous people who know certain steps that may help you as well.

what you should know before starting an acting career.
Knowing your type.-First year is always the hardest.-You need to work at it everyday the hardest you can.-Agents,casting directors,producers,and directors are not the “enemy”.-Being a good(positive)person is just as good as being a good actor.-Somesort of stage directions or things that go on.

Reasons you should become an actor.
. You can get a big ego Not to say that all actors have egos, but it’s a stereotype for a reason. It makes sense that actors are conceited because they have to be, since they’re in constant competition for not only roles, but also for the attention of the media. So go ahead, act as conceited as you want; it’s allowed. In fact, it’s probably even expected.2. You can go on a crazy diet It's no coincidence that one of the earliest advocates of going gluten-free is none other than Gwyneth Paltrow. Follow in her famous footsteps and go carb-free, cut out gluten and dairy, or even go to the extreme of only eating organic, local food. You can even be that annoying person at a restaurant asking the waiter where every single ingredient on the menu comes from. It might take 20 minutes, but again, you’re allowed.3. You will be super rich Let's be honest here: you don’t want to become an actor to follow a lifelong dream you’ve had since childhood. You want to be rich. So no, it’s not hard to get cast in a movie directed by, say, Steven Spielberg. So go ahead and make a ton of money on just one movie role.4. You get lots of time off Perhaps the best part of being a movie actor is you get most of the year off, since movies only shoot for a few months at a time. Use the downtime to go to the gym a lot so you look amazing and will be hired in future movies that will give you even more money and more time off. It’s a win-win.5. You get to go to amazing places Of course some movies shoot in a studio in L.A. But you might get lucky and get an exotic trip out of the deal. It’s a good idea to only audition for parts that seem to be shooting somewhere fabulous, almost guaranteeing that you get to go somewhere fun and fascinating.6. You will get free stuffActors get invited to a lot of parties -- movie premieres, store openings, charity balls, and so on. You can bet that you will get a gift bag at the end of the night full of cool stuff. And it’s all free.7. You will be followed everywhere You won’t hate the paparazzi, will you? No, you will definitely appreciate the fact that you can’t leave your house without your picture ending up online and tons of people commenting on the fact that you looked awful that day. You will love getting swarmed when you’re leaving a store, because all you wanted to do was go shopping. You won’t complain. You will love the lack of freedom and privacy.8. You can also work as a bartender It's a sad and harsh truth that many "actors" living in New York City or L.A. are actually bartenders or waiters/waitresses. But that’s okay. You can still tell people you’re an actor.9. You can buy $100 t-shirtsIt’s not a waste of money. You can’t find the same quality for $10 at Target. You have to spend money to get value.10. You can buy $10 cups of coffeeOr green juice. Or bone broth. Whatever your drink of choice is, you demand only the best and follow any trend, despite the fact that you can get coffee for 2 dollars instead.

want to be an actor?where to start?
Read lots of books or plays,Take acting classes,Make friends with actors,Watch actors work,Audition,Don't lie if you do or not have acting experiences with agents or others,Don't pester the agents or directors they will turn you down,Don't alter your appearances,Don’t talk to little or too much,Study a lot,Consider your schedule,Be financially prepared,Join acting classes and workshops,Decide what type of acting you want to pursue,Get headshots taken,Create an acting resume,Write a cover letter,Put together a portfolio,Find an acting agent,Find auditions on your own,Prepare for an audition,Have good manners,Moving,Do your due diligence,Use feedback to improve with your acting,Be ready to face a lot of rejections,Gain lots of experience in acting.

I hope this was helpfull, and hope you persue in your acting industry!!